Listen to Garnette’s Story

Garnette tells his story of observing community members consoling each other at the site of the car attack.

This is what our community looks like!

August 27, 2017 at 10:42 PM

“There’s power in remembering, particularly if you're doing it with others who are gathering around you and who will be your strength when your legs are weak.”

- Garnette Cadogan

Interview Transcript


I had lived very close to where it has happened. Less than 2 minutes walk. I lived on the mall itself and I moved on the mall because my love of gathering to see the mall as a place and a street we came together, to laugh, to celebrate, to relax with each other. And after this happened, I tried to avoid going to this street. But I couldn't. I had to, you know. You know, going to and from my home, I had to see it. And it was an act of me just trying to forget. Trying to forget, you know, you know, the horrors, you know, of that day. But then I began seeing gatherings pop up right here and the mall, which is a place of gathering and celebration before suddenly, least at this spot, became a place of gathering and consolation, gathering and mourning. And it shifted. It made me pivot and stop running from that day. It became a reminder to me that it was important to gather and remember. What was especially moving about this block during the weeks after was that time and again somebody was standing alone and began to mourn and people who were strangers would gather around and you know console them would, you know, give a hug, would rest a hand on a shoulder. So as I look at this photograph, I don't even know if they knew each other, either. It reminded me of the the beauty that was expressed in response to the awfulness of that day. And you know, this word is overused these days, but this is very much what it is: also empowerment, of letting people know that, you know, you know, there’s power in remembering, particularly if you're doing it with others who are gathering around you and who will be your strength when your legs are weak.

Music credit: Current Clouds / Oceanic / courtesy of


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